Enjeksiyon molding is a istehsal process for producing parts by injecting molten material into a mold. Plastic Enjeksiyon Molding is one of the most frequently used istehsal processes for creating plastic parts. Thanks to its high-precision, repeatability, and cost efficiency at scale, plastic injection molding is used for a variety of products and parts from the smallest insert up to large automotive & aerospace parts.
Plastik enjeksiyon kalıplama prosesi bir enjeksiyon kalıplama maşını, xam plastik material və işlənmiş bir kalıp tələb edir. Xam plastik material əvvəlcə enjeksiyon bölməsində əridilir və sonra qəlibə enjekte edilir, burada soyudulur və son plastik hissəyə bərkimiş olur.
The key steps in the injection molding process include:
Kalıbın iki tərəfi bağlanır və sıxılır.
Material maşın içərisinə verilir və qəlibə doğru itilir. Bu baş verərkən, istilik və təzyiq nəticəsində material əridilib. Daha sonra plastik qəlibə enjekte edilir, bu prosesə "Şüşə" deyilir.
The plastic in the mold cools and solidifies into the shape of the part.
Parçalardan sonra qəlibdən atılır.
Auwell offers 2 business models to meet the needs of the client for plastic injection molding projects. Namely supply tooling only models or, final products models.
-Tooling Only Models
For this business model, Auwell offers the tooling design based on the product design and machine data for client confirmation, the details include tooling structure, lifetime, tooling material, hardness, etc. Clients may provide completed tooling designs for production. For this tooling only option, for standard parts, we will use the most common with globally recognized one for easy maintenance. In general, this option is preferred for large size and high-volume products, Plastic Enjeksiyon Tooling Avtomobil is a typical catalogue for this business model.
-Son Məhsul Modelləri
For this business model, Auwell is responsible for the plastic injection molding parts, and to meet the client’s specifications. The type of injection machine and tooling structure/design used is decided by our team. For this business model, once the client pays the tooling cost, Auwell will be responsible for tooling maintenance and replacement for the entire product lifetime. This model is preferred for small sizes and precise plastic injection molding parts. Please refer to “Plastic Enjeksiyon PartsDaha ətraflı məlumat üçün bölmə.
Another key difference of the two-business model is, for “Tooling Only Model”, the mold cost is considerable higher than “Final Products Model” as for “Final Products Model”, Auwell does not make any margin from the tooling development. For “Final Products Model”, if the clients want to take the mold or, shift to another supplier, it is not guaranteed that the mold works properly at another machine at another manufacture, and, a certain proportion of mold development cost will be charged before mold transferring.
Plastik enjeksiyondan başqa, aşağıdakı xidmətləri də təqdim edirik:
-Sürətli 3D çap prototipləri
-Kalıp əlavə edin
-Kauçuk və Silikon Kalıplama
Technical Specifications
Following plastic material available for our plastic injection molding services:
Ø PA 6/6 | Polyamide 6/6, Nylon 6/6
Ø PARA | Poliaril Amid
Ø PBT | Polybutylene Terephthalate, Valox
Ø PBT-PET | Polybutylene Tereftalat-Polietilen Tereftalat
Ø PC | Polikarbonat
Ø PC-ABS | Polycarbonate-Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
Ø PC-PBT | Polycarbonate-Polybutylene Terephthalate, Xenoy
Ø PC-PET | Polycarbonate-Polyethylene Terephthalate
Ø PCT | Polisikloheksilenedimetilen Tereftalat
Ø PE | Polietilen
Ø PE-PP | Polietilen-Polipropilen
Ø PE-PS | Polietilen-Polistirol
Ø PEBA | Polieter Block Amide
Ø PEEK | Polyether Ether Ketone
Ø PEI | Polieterimid, Ultem
Ø PES | Polieter Sülfon
Ø PET | Polyethylene Terephthalate, Rynite
Ø PLA | Polylactic Acid
Ø PMMA | Polimetil metakrilat, akril
Ø POM | Asetal Polioksimetilen, Delrin
Ø PP | Polypropylene
Ø PPA | Poliftalamid
Ø PPS | Polifenilen sulfid, Ryton
Ø PS | Polistirol
Ø PS-PPE | Polystyrene-Polyphenyl Ethers, Noryl
Ø PSU | Polisülfon, Udel
Ø PVC | Polivinil xlorid (sahil D)
Ø PVDF | Poliviniliden florid
Ø SAN | Styrene Acrylonitrile
Ø TPO | Termoplastik Poliolefin
Ø TPU | Thermoplastic Polyurethane (Shore D)
Ø Xüsusi qaynaqlı qatran
LKM, HASCO, 1.1730, S50C, S55C, 1050, 1055
-Aktiv elementlər
Ø P20, 1.2311, 1.2312, 1.2738, 1.2343, 1.2344, H11, H13, 420
Ø ASSAB: 718, 718S, 718H, S316/S316H/S316 SUP/S316H SUP, POLMAX/168
Ø SAARSTAHL: GS738, GS2311, GS2312, GS638, GS688, GS2316
Ø DAIDO: NAK80, NAK55, PX88, PX4, PX5, S-Star (A)
Ø BOHLER: M201, M202, M238, M300 ESR, M310 ESR, M310H ESR
-Kalıp səthi
Fotoşəkil aşındırma, aşınma quruluşu, zərbə partlayıcısı, xətt cilalama, yüksək cilalama, güzgüPolləmə.
-Machines: 100-3,000 ton closing force
-Rich Experience
More than 20 years of experience in plastic injection molding tooling development and part production, especially to the European and North American markets, with solid understanding of the material, technical and quality standards worldwide.
-Sürətli dönüş
Generally, we provide a quotation within 3 working days. Combining the latest istehsal technologies and facilities, Auwell is able to provide fast prototypes in 3 working days, for simple and small size tooling, we are able to deliver first sample in 4 weeks.
-Hərtərəfli həll təminatçısı
Auwell provides comprehensive services for plastic injection molding projects starting from designing, through prototyping, tooling/fixture development, sampling, mass production, and to logistic and post-sale support.
-Rigid QC Policies
The most rigorous quality policy starts from material control, and is followed through to final pre-shipment inspection. Material certificates include the mill certificate, 3rd party chemical components, and mechanical property reports, as well as RoHS and REACH reports upon request. We structure our processes, creating Flow Charts and Control Plans before production, making sure all QC processes are in accordance with ISO9001-2015 requirements and drawing specifications.
-Flexible Payment Term
Alət üçün ümumi ödəmə müddəti 50% -40% -10%, yəni% 50 depozit, ilk nümunə pulsuz olduqdan 40% və müştəri alət alandan və ya ilk məhsul məhsulunu aldıqdan 2 həftə sonra 10% deməkdir. Formas istehsalı, çevik ödəmə şərtləri təqdim edirik, məqbul kredit şərtləri veriləcək, müştəri yalnız aldığı məhsuldan məmnun olduqda ödəyir. Uzunmüddətli layihələr üçün sürətli çatdırılma tələblərinə cavab verən inventar xidmətləri təklif edirik.
-Plastik enjeksiyon məhsullar demək olar ki, bütün sənaye sahələrində geniş yayılmışdır o cümlədən:
-Aerospace and defense
-Agriculture Machinery
-Consumer Products
The following catalogues of plastic injection molding products are the ones which Auwell has produced and supplied to our distinguished worldwide clients. Please click the relevant pictures for details. Please be advised, most of the products are for demonstration purpose only.
D Grip Shovel Handle, the best-sell handle in North American market
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